Secured Order Management Service with JWT Auth

Important Links


This guide explains how to secure an 'Order Management Service' (RESTful service) with JWT Auth using Ballerina. The following figure illustrates a high-level design diagram of the complete use case.

Securing Microservice with JWT

The end-user (customer), in this example, Alice and Bob, interacts with the system using the web/mobile app provided. This web/mobile app acts as a 'Client' on behalf of the user’s actions and calls to the 'API Gateway'. The 'API Gateway' routes the requests to 'Order Service', which is responsible for processing the order for the customer. The 'Inventory Service' is called by the 'Order Service' to process the inventory-related operations.

NOTE: For this guide, since we are discussing the JWT security aspects, we are focussing on the network interactions once the 'API Gateway' receives a request.

  • The 'API Gateway' intercepts the request from the end-user, extracts the token, and then talks to the 'STS' connected to validate the token.
  • After validating the token, the 'STS' issues a new JWT signed by itself. This JWT includes the user details.
  • The 'API Gateway' passes the new JWT to the 'Order Service', and it needs only trust this STS to accept the token as valid. The 'Order Service' validates the signature of the JWT to make sure that it's issued by the 'STS' it trusts. Apart from the signature validation, the 'Order Service' also does the issuer and audience validation.
  • The 'Order Service' talks to 'Inventory Service' with mTLS (mutual TLS).

In this approach, JWT helps us to achieve two things. First, it helps to pass the end-user context across microservices in a manner that can’t be forged. Because the claims set of the JWT is signed by the STS, no microservice can change it's content without invalidating its signature. Also, JWT helps to secure service-to-service communications. One microservice can access another microservice only if it carries a valid JWT issued by the trusted STS. Any recipient microservice rejects any request without a valid JWT.


NOTE: To get started with the implementation we need to have the 'Inventory Service' to be ready. But, since we are focussing only on the 'Order Service' by this guide, the implementation details of the 'Inventory Service' are not explained. Refer to examples/order-management-service/inventory_service for the implementation.

  • Now, we can get started with the Ballerina service; 'Order Service', which is a RESTful service that serves the order management requests. We will look at securing multiple resources exposed by 'Order Service' to match with the different security requirements.

    • Create Order : Order creation should only be allowed for authenticated users.
    • Retrieve Order : Retrieval of the order details should be allowed for all the users.
    • Update Order : Updating order details should only be allowed for "admin" users.
    • Delete Order : Deletion of the order should only be allowed for "admin" users.
  • Authentication is enabled by setting the auth attribute of http:ServiceConfig or http:ResourceConfig. If we configure the auth attribute of http:ServiceConfig it will be applied to all the resources of the configured HTTP Service. Also, the security enforcement that is done for the service using the http:ServiceConfig can be overridden by the http:ResourceConfig annotation for a specific API(s).

  • For this example 'Order Service', we need to configure the auth attribute of all the resources except the "Retrieve Order" resource, since we need to allow that for all the users.

  • Ballerina uses the concept of 'scope' as the way of expressing authorization. Multiple scopes can be assigned to a user, and scopes can then be validated while enforcing authorization. To express that a certain service or resource require a scope, we have used the scopes annotation attribute of the auth annotation attribute.

  • For this example 'Order Service', we need to configure the scope attribute for all the resources except the "Retrieve Order" resource, since we need to allow that for all the users.

NOTE: For the simplicity of the article, we use an in-memory map for storing order data, and a 'Mock STS' is used for validating the JWT signature using JWKs. Refer to examples/order-management-service/sts for the implementation.


We can run the 'Order Service' that we developed above, in our local environment. To complete the design diagram illustrated above, we have to run the 'Mock STS', and the 'Inventory Service' first.

Open the terminal and navigate to examples/order-management-service/sts directory and execute the following command.

$ bal run

The successful execution of the service should show us the following output.

Compiling source

Running executable

Now, navigate to examples/order-management-service/inventory_service directory and execute the same command. The successful execution of the service should show us the following output.

Compiling source

Running executable

Now, navigate to examples/order-management-service/order_service directory and execute the same command. The successful execution of the service should show us the following output.

Compiling source

Running executable

Now, we can test authentication and authorization checks being enforced on different functions of the 'Order Service' by sending HTTP requests. For example, we have used the CURL commands to test each operation of the 'Order Service' as follows.

Create Order

Without authentication

curl -k -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "100500", "name": "Sample order", "items": [{"category": "electronics", "code": "SOWH1000XM4", "qty": 2}, {"category": "books", "code": "978-1617295959", "qty": 1}]}' \


< HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
< content-length: 0
< server: ballerina
< date: Tue, 24 Aug 2021 06:33:52 +0530

Authenticating as the 'counter' user, who has 'add_order' permission

curl -k -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsICJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCAia2lkIjoiTlRBeFptTXhORE15WkRnM01UVTFaR00wTXpFek9ESmhaV0k0TkRObFpEVTFPR0ZrTmpGaU1RIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJ3c28yIiwgInN1YiI6ImNvdW50ZXIiLCAiYXVkIjoiYmFsbGVyaW5hIiwgImV4cCI6MTk0NTIzODg5NCwgIm5iZiI6MTYyOTg3ODg5NCwgImlhdCI6MTYyOTg3ODg5NCwgImp0aSI6ImY1YWRlZDUwNTg1YzQ2ZjJiOGNhMjMzZDBjMmEzYzlkIiwgInNjb3BlIjoiYWRkX29yZGVyIn0.FMDL-Y8zMtAW7vBVeEbwf_8ynSKdjAkuEBVJpoGds06Z2cOrL3WPZYswnbUOzULBnOXQJQEnK-P-QmypvqP0NWGpzfoC5QMqg0FhPvxyglP1QNYbrS_5tZFM_7Nn7tBFZxiBq666AzjDyhZ2jc39X9rftV0m8p4yyFdSI4KFiEzQ8eOWVVOIg3ejQ0ruDlSVvwx3lXe03XYmrhQp0m-_KYm-SGV3HTZttbo00A250pVY1QL137WDgeeDtGchOfjvM9G-UL8t3sw1Lyoq4OzblHEJJQOJnfRLM_nFKeULuAtt5k_UwmQRlV-XrgxMk0lu6KvYt1-Sa1HMiS8aIvrwig" \
-d '{"id": "100500", "name": "Sample order", "items": [{"category": "electronics", "code": "SOWH1000XM4", "qty": 2}, {"category": "books", "code": "978-1617295959", "qty": 1}]}' \


< HTTP/1.1 201 Created
< Location: http://localhost:9090/order/100500
< content-type: application/json
< content-length: 36
< server: ballerina
< date: Tue, 24 Aug 2021 06:34:05 +0530

{"status":"Order '100500' created."}

Retrieve Order

curl -k -v "https://localhost:9090/order/100500"


< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< content-type: application/json
< content-length: 70
< server: ballerina
< date: Tue, 24 Aug 2021 06:34:20 +0530

{"id":"100500", "name":"Sample order", "items":[{"category":"electronics", "code":"SOWH1000XM4", "qty":2}, {"category":"books", "code":"978-1617295959", "qty":1}]}

Update Order

Without authentication

curl -k -v -X PUT -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-d '{"name": "Updated order", "items": [{"category": "electronics", "code": "SOWH1000XM4", "qty": 1}]}' \


< HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
< content-length: 0
< server: ballerina
< date: Tue, 24 Aug 2021 06:34:32 +0530

Authenticating as 'counter' user, who has 'add_order' permission

curl -k -v -X PUT -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsICJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCAia2lkIjoiTlRBeFptTXhORE15WkRnM01UVTFaR00wTXpFek9ESmhaV0k0TkRObFpEVTFPR0ZrTmpGaU1RIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJ3c28yIiwgInN1YiI6ImNvdW50ZXIiLCAiYXVkIjoiYmFsbGVyaW5hIiwgImV4cCI6MTk0NTIzODg5NCwgIm5iZiI6MTYyOTg3ODg5NCwgImlhdCI6MTYyOTg3ODg5NCwgImp0aSI6ImY1YWRlZDUwNTg1YzQ2ZjJiOGNhMjMzZDBjMmEzYzlkIiwgInNjb3BlIjoiYWRkX29yZGVyIn0.FMDL-Y8zMtAW7vBVeEbwf_8ynSKdjAkuEBVJpoGds06Z2cOrL3WPZYswnbUOzULBnOXQJQEnK-P-QmypvqP0NWGpzfoC5QMqg0FhPvxyglP1QNYbrS_5tZFM_7Nn7tBFZxiBq666AzjDyhZ2jc39X9rftV0m8p4yyFdSI4KFiEzQ8eOWVVOIg3ejQ0ruDlSVvwx3lXe03XYmrhQp0m-_KYm-SGV3HTZttbo00A250pVY1QL137WDgeeDtGchOfjvM9G-UL8t3sw1Lyoq4OzblHEJJQOJnfRLM_nFKeULuAtt5k_UwmQRlV-XrgxMk0lu6KvYt1-Sa1HMiS8aIvrwig" \
-d '{"name": "Updated order", "items": [{"category": "electronics", "code": "SOWH1000XM4", "qty": 1}]}' \


< HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
< content-length: 0
< server: ballerina
< date: Tue, 24 Aug 2021 06:34:55 +0530

Authenticating as 'admin' user, who has 'add_order, update_order, cancel_order' permissions

curl -k -v -X PUT -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsICJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCAia2lkIjoiTlRBeFptTXhORE15WkRnM01UVTFaR00wTXpFek9ESmhaV0k0TkRObFpEVTFPR0ZrTmpGaU1RIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJ3c28yIiwgInN1YiI6ImFkbWluIiwgImF1ZCI6ImJhbGxlcmluYSIsICJleHAiOjE5NDUyMzY1OTksICJuYmYiOjE2Mjk4NzY1OTksICJpYXQiOjE2Mjk4NzY1OTksICJqdGkiOiJkMWI4NjNlNjc1N2M0ZjJlYjViMjM3YjI5ZmRhOGZhZSIsICJzY29wZSI6WyJhZGRfb3JkZXIiLCAidXBkYXRlX29yZGVyIiwgImNhbmNlbF9vcmRlciJdfQ.XxThNFztJTpn9FIk-9JfEm_xF8sbTwGnNa5bOl-l4lb3KfeV5ojAKEmjenpQR_2YctT2GM68mxunXP4CTxXoAVHAYWDmV10wkR4r7R6LO3wDJDqr7POC3zwtM-n9Ro-gWJEio-SLYw04kxExvjsE1aFa7pRJFuAFDIdAqnXkEaHLXshmOCgxYhAMzdgBQzUtBo7QmjQZf_0kPUioPpNNsDV4bGLQTeZo-SCZhfhvbHBrUsY2VVleUg0_gNVMmT0ySFQ8Jci4CaiglYrxQN9byS38_9qXtWINYEMbtApHaeyl4-0YvY5p8EbJes2ep_r0Q_Od6FQzGekFAVO4gSE6Zw" \
-d '{"name": "Updated order", "items": [{"category": "electronics", "code": "SOWH1000XM4", "qty": 1}]}' \


< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< content-type: application/json
< content-length: 36
< server: ballerina
< date: Tue, 24 Aug 2021 06:35:07 +0530

{"status":"Order '100500' updated."}

Cancel Order

Authenticating as 'admin' user, who has 'add_order, update_order, cancel_order' permissions

curl -k -v -X DELETE \
-H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsICJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCAia2lkIjoiTlRBeFptTXhORE15WkRnM01UVTFaR00wTXpFek9ESmhaV0k0TkRObFpEVTFPR0ZrTmpGaU1RIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJ3c28yIiwgInN1YiI6ImFkbWluIiwgImF1ZCI6ImJhbGxlcmluYSIsICJleHAiOjE5NDUyMzY1OTksICJuYmYiOjE2Mjk4NzY1OTksICJpYXQiOjE2Mjk4NzY1OTksICJqdGkiOiJkMWI4NjNlNjc1N2M0ZjJlYjViMjM3YjI5ZmRhOGZhZSIsICJzY29wZSI6WyJhZGRfb3JkZXIiLCAidXBkYXRlX29yZGVyIiwgImNhbmNlbF9vcmRlciJdfQ.XxThNFztJTpn9FIk-9JfEm_xF8sbTwGnNa5bOl-l4lb3KfeV5ojAKEmjenpQR_2YctT2GM68mxunXP4CTxXoAVHAYWDmV10wkR4r7R6LO3wDJDqr7POC3zwtM-n9Ro-gWJEio-SLYw04kxExvjsE1aFa7pRJFuAFDIdAqnXkEaHLXshmOCgxYhAMzdgBQzUtBo7QmjQZf_0kPUioPpNNsDV4bGLQTeZo-SCZhfhvbHBrUsY2VVleUg0_gNVMmT0ySFQ8Jci4CaiglYrxQN9byS38_9qXtWINYEMbtApHaeyl4-0YvY5p8EbJes2ep_r0Q_Od6FQzGekFAVO4gSE6Zw" \


< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< content-type: application/json
< content-length: 36
< server: ballerina
< date: Tue, 24 Aug 2021 06:35:26 +0530

{"status":"Order '100500' removed."}


Once we are done with the development, we can deploy the service using any of the methods that are listed below.

Deploying Locally

As the first step, we can build Ballerina executable files (.jar) of the microservices that we developed above. Open the terminal and navigate to examples/order-management-service/sts, examples/order-management-service/inventory_service and examples/order-management-service/order_service directories, and execute the following command for each of them.

$ bal build

The successful execution of the above command should show us the following outputs in order.

Compiling source

Generating executable
Compiling source

Generating executable
Compiling source

Generating executable

Once the *.jar files are created inside the target/bin directories, we can run the microservices with the following commands in order.

$ bal run target/bin/sts.jar
$ bal run target/bin/inventory_service.jar
$ bal run target/bin/order_service.jar

Deploying Code to Cloud

Ballerina code to cloud supports generating the deployment artifacts of the Docker and Kubernetes. Refer to Code to Cloud guide for more information.


HTTP/HTTPS based Ballerina services and any client connectors are observable by default. Observing Ballerina Code guide provides information on enabling Ballerina service observability with some of its supported systems.